sono di ritorno dalla mia vacanza in Irlanda e sono felice. ho il raffreddore, mi fa male la gola ma sono piuttosto soddisfatto. il viaggio e' stato buono e lungo - quasi 1500 km su varie tipologie di strade - il cibo buono e il tempo altrettanto. eravamo in quattro con un totale di sette macchine fotografiche, tre digitali e quattro analogiche! abbiamo scattato molte foto ma ci siamo anche divertiti un sacco. e somigliavamo ad una bizzarra troupe in caccia di materiale per un articolo del National Geographic sull'Isola di Smeraldo: macchine a telemetro e a pozzetto, birra, chowder, casino nell'auto, limiti di velocita' follemente alti, orsetti gommosi ed una delirante quanto fittizia sit-com intitolata "i Wexford" da una marca locale di formaggio cheddar.
un gran viaggio, molte belle cose anche se era la mia quinta volta in Irlanda e poi cosa? craic, come dicono gli irlandesi!
back from my Irish vacation i'm happy. i have a cold, my throat hurts but i'm pretty happy. the trip was fine and long - nearly 1500 km on a variety of roads - the food good and the weather nice. we were four people with a total of seven cameras, three digital ones and four film ones! we shot a lot of pictures indeed but we had a lot of fun as well. and we resembled a weird sort of troupe collecting material for a National Geographic article about the Emerald Island: rangefinders and ground glass cameras, beer, chowder, mess in the car, insanely high speed limits, sour gummy bears and a delirious fictitious sit-com named "the Wexford" after a local cheddar brand.
a great trip, lots of beautiful things even if it was my 5th time in Ireland and what more? craic as the Irish say!
un gran viaggio, molte belle cose anche se era la mia quinta volta in Irlanda e poi cosa? craic, come dicono gli irlandesi!
back from my Irish vacation i'm happy. i have a cold, my throat hurts but i'm pretty happy. the trip was fine and long - nearly 1500 km on a variety of roads - the food good and the weather nice. we were four people with a total of seven cameras, three digital ones and four film ones! we shot a lot of pictures indeed but we had a lot of fun as well. and we resembled a weird sort of troupe collecting material for a National Geographic article about the Emerald Island: rangefinders and ground glass cameras, beer, chowder, mess in the car, insanely high speed limits, sour gummy bears and a delirious fictitious sit-com named "the Wexford" after a local cheddar brand.
a great trip, lots of beautiful things even if it was my 5th time in Ireland and what more? craic as the Irish say!
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